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At Command Direct, we're about solutions. Let us help you find the answers to your biggest challenges!

Literature Distribution Website

A large national distributor of music products was having trouble keeping their marketing materials warehoused in good condition and getting them out the door in a timely manner. They often have sales representatives visiting stores nationwide and need to know that materials will be there for those visits, and for clinics and other events. Plus, they want to follow up with material shipments as well.


They came to Command Direct for ideas and we developed a shopping cart-based website that they could log onto, select the materials they want, choose the store location they want to ship to, and we do all the rest. We pull, pack and ship these materials orders, often within 24 hours. Their internal personnel and sales representatives can view order tracking information and check inventory levels. Managers can generate reports in real time based on the sites usage using a variety of key fields. This site has now become an integral part of their marketing efforts.

Lesson and Newsletter Distribution
A large non-profit company mails out a variety of lessons on a certain topic every month. This topic has approximately 190 different lessons that are sent out in two different languages, for a total of 380 different combinations! The lessons are mailed in series to each recipient, and a total of about 5000 lessons are mailed each month, along with a newsletter with relevant news about the company.


The company would print all of these materials and had a wall of shelves with all the lessons. Then they would call in a group of volunteers and have them grab a newsletter and the appropriate lesson and insert them together into an envelope. They did this for all 5000 pieces.


We took a look at this process and knew we could help! We came up with a system to print all the newsletters and lessons in-line, and are able to presort the job to lower the postage. The result? We made the job cheaper to produce and mail with this new system than it was for them to produce it themselves and have unpaid volunteers come in and assemble it.


This job used to take them three weeks to distribute, and completely halted operations at their office while the inserting was happening. Now we produce and mail the job within one week, their office is not overrun with paper and volunteers, and they’re actually paying us less than they were paying for just the postage alone.

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