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AEP 2021: 508 Compliance

AEP 2021: A 6-step Guide for Your Sales and Marketing Team During COVID-19 > Read our introductory post on AEP 2021
AEP 2021

508 Compliance - Fact vs Fiction

Over the last several years, there has been a tremendous push for information posted on the internet to be equally available to all individuals. As a leading healthcare member communications company that specializes in compliance, Command Direct is ready to put our decades of experience to work for you.


Foremost, let’s first separate fiction from fact:

FICTION: Only government entities are required to abide by 508 compliance regulations. >> FACT: All health plans that receive government funding must adhere to 508 compliance regulations or face potential fines or other penalties.

FICTION: 508 compliance only applies to web pages.

>> FACT: All documents that need to be accessed by members— including documents on the website—must comply with the regulations set forth by Section 508.

FICTION: A computer can perform all the necessary compliance checks.

>> FACT: An effective compliance check requires a human element to ensure your materials can be understood as intended.


With millions of people living with visual disabilities in America, ensuring these individuals can understand your health plan communications isn’t just smart— it’s required by law. As a health plan provider who receives government payments, you must follow the guidelines set forth by Section 508— or you could find yourself facing significant fines or a myriad of other penalties. With Command Direct, all of your compliance concerns are managed quickly and accurately.

How Command keeps you compliant:

  • Complete document and website review

  • Conversion of all required documents for 508 compliance

  • Continual expert advice and guidance concerning updates

Plus, unlike less experienced companies, Command understands that the complexities of 508 compliance extend beyond the capabilities of a computer. You may have seen companies that claim they can make your website or documents compliant simply by installing an app on your website. However, the truth is a truly accessible website or document must be reviewed by a human to make sure the information is conveyed correctly. For example, these nursery rhymes were typeset using tabs to make the text look like a table or columns:

An automated screen reader will inaccurately read the text as:

"Jack and Jill Old King Cole went up the hill was a merry old soul to fetch a pail and a merry old soul of water was he"

Guarantee your meaning—and your member communications—are clear!

Contact Command Direct today and discover the difference.


AEP 2021: 6-Step Guide

AEP 2021 6 Step Plan


Be sure you review our introductory post on preparing for AEP 2021, and continue reading our guide on Data, Fulfillment & Kitting!


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